Become a Church Partner
Your church can bless those in impoverished communities in Central America when you become a supporting church of World Gospel Outreach.
Support The Ministry
When churches bring teams to Honduras or Belize to partner with World Gospel Outreach, volunteers are impacted deeply and lives are transformed as people work together to serve the poor and marginalized. The need is great and people are hungry for connection with Christians who desire to serve the least, the last and the lost in God’s Kingdom.
Ways your church can partner with World Gospel Outreach:
Invite a WGO Ambassador to speak to your congregation
Develop a team to serve in Honduras or Belize for a week; you could be providing medical care for about 2,000 people
Buy medical, dental or educational supplies for one Serve Team
Sponsor a child through the WGOKids program at Rancho Ebenezer
Add WGO to your annual missions budget
Send a team
Since 1989, WGO has been organizing teams to serve in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. We have staff to help you prepare and organize a team of volunteers. Our Team Leader Packet is filled with information about preparing the team and the details of the week. Teams can have from 10-30 members. Physicians and nurses are encouraged to be on each team, but a team can come, even if they have not been able to recruit medical professionals.
As of 2016, we now send medical, construction and community outreach teams to Belmopan, Belize also.
We encourage teams to involve their whole congregation in some of their preparations. Highest on the list is to have the congregation’s prayer support. Other involvements would be collecting medicines and items from the Needs List to be taken with the team. Monetary donations would be welcome to buy Spanish Bibles in Honduras, so there would be no shipping costs. Some congregation members may be willing to support someone who wants to serve, but cannot afford the cost. For more information use this email link. serveteams@wgomission.org
Pray for the ministry
Pray for our Serve Teams to show the love and kindness of God to the people of Honduras and Belize. Each team has an opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel with those who are helped. Team members share their faith in a simple and straightforward way, (working with a WGO translator in Honduras). The response is powerful; each year over 2,000 respond to the opportunity to know Christ.
Pray for the children at Rancho Ebenezer to receive the love God has for them. They are trained in the Scriptures and are given leadership training and encouragement in every phase of their lives. Living in loving homes with godly parents is the first opportunity many will have to understand the love God has for them, demonstrated through the lives of those who care for them.
Let us know you are ready to partner with us!
We could not fulfill our mission and vision without your support!